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Oliver Osborne: European Paintings - Mousse Publishing - Publications - Marc Jancou


Oliver Osborne: European Paintings


"Oliver Osborne is not the first painter to make pretty choice paintings that are about choice, or, better yet, about doing something about choice itself: something critical yet open, timely yet mindful of history. The categories in which his paintings could be situated remain well-placed themselves not because they have been kept in their place as dogma but rather because many artists have worked hard to resist those aspects of choice that have too often and too easily become limiting, if not exclusionary and reactionary. Abstract, representational, high, low, painting, picture, even colour and line are less likely than maybe ever to fit into any construct of either/or. Not that long ago any hint of such a resistance to definition was usually taken as evidence of a lack of commitment or conviction, a verdict rendered more often than not on the basis of modernist doctrine" 

Texts by Terry R. Myers and Nicholas Hatful

160 pages
Softcover, 21 x 29,7 cm
ISBN 9788867492138

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